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This is a side-by-side offering of Common Stock, under registration exemptions 4(b)(9) and 507(c), in GenesisAI Corporation. Up to $2,111,608.71 may be raised under the 4(b)(9) exemption. Vesto stocks will determine which exemption applies to your investment and notify you before you complete your investment. For any 507(c) investment that is less than $5,000 the Company has agreed to pay a general processing fee of $445 in lieu of the 4.9% intermediary, and advisory fee.

The amount raised under the two exemptions must total at least $10,000,000 by November 31st, 2021 at 12:58am ET. If the total doesn’t reach its target, then your money will be refunded. GenesisAI may issue additional securities to raise up to $16,799,034, these offering’s maximum.

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“We would like to lay a foundation for the creation of Artificial General Intelligence and smash the current oligopolistic system of a few large companies basically owning all the AI.”
Archil Cheishvili
CEO@Genesis AI


  • Harvard alumni with work experience at Bridgewater Associates.

  • Globally recognized investors and advisors with multi-billion-dollar exits, including former Dean of MIT Engineering and Harvard/MIT professors.

  • $2.2 million previously raised from 2,000+ investors.

  • The market for AI services is estimated to reach $5.5 trillion by 2027.

  • If we achieve our vision, we believe GenesisAI has the potential to become one of the most valuable technologies of all time.

  • A global AI network that just works.


Stock Market Chart




The AI service market is projected to reach $5.5 trillion by 2027.

Transparency Market Research

Companies want this.

We have a beta product and have agreements with over 20 AI supply-side firms who wish to place their product on our marketplace and demand-side firms who wish to purchase products on our marketplace.

closing by

most recent share price

original share price

total rasied

...offering provided by vesto stocks funding portal LLc, security transfer functionality provided by Vesto stocks system LLC.

All in all, if you believe in supporting our mission, join us and help us enable anyone in the world to access AI.


  • Large corporations will no longer be the only entities able to develop and utilize AI. We believe in making AI accessible: “for the people, by the people.”

  • By linking AI services with each other and increasing the supply of AI services, GenesisAI provides a web platform that offers low-cost AI services. This makes AI technology more efficient and affordable for businesses.

  • Our technology enables different AIs to communicate with each other, exchange data and trade services. Anyone can develop and purchase AI services.

Invest to help us further develop our promising technology. The time is now.


$5,444,564 raised.


$1,050.00 minimum

If the offering is successful at raising the maximum amount, then the company’s implied valuation after the offering (sometimes called its post-money valuation) will be:

Implied valuation

Maxium share valuation under vesto stocks


x  $11.06 per share


x  $110.60 per share


$16,799,034  maximum share off


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Archil Cheishvili

CEO & Business Development;

Economics, Harvard University. Previous experience at Bridgewater Associates. Serial entrepreneur. Recognized by media outlets including the New York Post, Forbes, and Yahoo Finance.

Mina Pascalito Nassif

Engineering & Product;

PhD in Applied Physics, MS in Computational Science and Engineering both from Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Published multiple scientific papers and raised over $1 billion in research grants.

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“GenesisAI is fighting back against AI oligopolies by creating the first, open access, marketplace of AI that does not exclude or discriminate against anyone. Its benefits will be shared by all.”

Neil Flanzraich

Investor in GenesisAI.
Lead Independent Director of Chipotle. Former President of Ivax Corporation (acq. by Teva for $10B). Executive Committee Member of Syntex Corporation (sold to Roche Holdings for $5.3 B).



If the offering's maximum amount of $16,799.034 is raised:

Use                                             Value                                  % of Proceeds

Payroll                                 $9,625,846.49                                  57.3%

Sales Marketing                 $4,518,940.15                                  26.9%

Legal                                   $1,327,123.69                                    7.9%

Accounting                         $487,171.99                                       2.9%

Intermediary fees               $823,152.67                                       4.9%

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